A New Hope

  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design - Retails / Shops
  • University
    Artcenter College of Design
  • Lead Designer
    Liang Yu(Levi) Lu
  • Interior Designer
    Liang Yu(Levi) Lu
  • Project Location
    Los Angeles
  • Project Link

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Los Angeles was a hotspot of growing homelessness. Now, this crisis is now set to get much worse. The pandemic has brought suffering, fear, and helplessness to populations everywhere. Therefore, inspired by the Los Angeles-based accessories brand-The Giving Keys, this retail store, situated in Abbot Kinney Blvd, is designed not only helps homeless individuals find employment and a chance to transition out of homelessness but also creates a space for customers to get a taste of hope, realize themselves and take action for a better life.

In this store, you will get a taste of hope, follow six steps of the experience process, define hope and realize it by yourself. We are not only accessories brand, we are selling the service-emotion. You will find a a new hope, encounter different sensory experiences of hope.

We Provide employment resources for homeless individuals and donate a portion of profits to charities to help support people impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.