Renovation and reconstruction of the landmark Tuebingen District Court

  • Prize
    Winner in Architectural Design - Restoration and Renovation
  • Company/Firm
    Dannien Roller Architekten + Partner
  • Lead Designer
    Maren Dannien
  • Architect
    Dannien Roller Architekten + Partner
  • Photographer Credit
    Dietmar Strauss
  • Location
    Schellingstraße 9-11, 72072 Tübingen
  • Client
  • Project Date

Conversion of a military building for the Tübingen Probate and Guardianship Court
The 1907 chamber building was converted between 2018 and 2021, in a balancing act between military construction and the modern requirements of a place of jurisdiction. Due to its use as a vehicle hall, the fabric of the building had been severely damaged, which made it necessary to replace the ceiling above the ground floor with extensive support measures.The former garage doors to the rear were opened up to allow light into the courtrooms. Reminiscent of the wooden gates, the glass panes are staggered in terms of their depth, lending the façade a moving pictorial quality.The inserted reinforced concrete ceiling, attached to the expression of the removed ceiling, is visible in places as a construction. Roughly plastered walls and the sanded, exposed screed contrast harmoniously with the oak wood of the furnishings, while asymmetrical reinforced concrete columns pick up dynamically on the brittle nature of the earlier functional building.The careful confrontation of the original and the contemporary enabled the functional transformation into an atmosphere of respect for a place steeped in history.

Architecture is not objective, but influenced by processes, requirements, budgets and cultural-spatial conditions. Our early cooperation with the client – as early as the task development stage – creates a qualitative coherence between the construction project, urban integration, space, form and material. This not only creates an unmistakable building culture, but also a high level of recognition.

Other prizes
2023 Archello Awards 2023 - Longlist BLT Award 2023, Winner in der Kategorie Educational C-Idea Design Award 2023, Silver Grand Prix Award 2023, Kategorie »City and Community«, Nominierung Big See Wood Design Awards 2023, Winner Heinze ArchitekturAward 2023, shortlist International Architecture Awards 2023 by Chicago Athaneum, Winner Hugo-Häring-Auszeichnung 2023, Kreis Neckar-Alb Hugo-Häring-Auszeichnung 2023, Kreis Neckar-Alb International Architecture & Design Awards 2023, Gold International Architecture & Design Awards 2023, Silber International Architecture & Design Awards 2023, Bronze A+A Awards Architizer- Winner in der Kategorie »Government & Civic Buildings« Grand Prix Award 2023 Katergorie Workplace, Nominierung Big See Architecture Award 2023 Best Workspaces 2023, Auszeichnung Best Workspaces 2023, Auszeichnung German Design Award 2023, Nominierung 2022 »Respekt und Perspektive« Bauen im Bestand Preis 2022, Anerkennung Flächenrecyclingpreis 2022, Sonderpreis best architects award 2022, Auszeichnung C-IDEA DESIGN AWARD 2022, Best Design Award C-IDEA DESIGN AWARD 2022, Bronze Award BLT Built Design Award 2022, Winner Architecture MasterPrize 2022, Winner Architecture MasterPrize 2022, Winner Iconic Awards 2022 Innovative Architecture, Best of Best Iconic Awards 2022, Winner ArchDaily Award - Building of the Year 2022, Nominierung The International Architecture Awards 2022, Honorable Mention BLT Build Design Awards 2021, Auszeichnung Dezeen Award 2021, Longlist 2010 7. Domico Baupreis 2010 ›Metall in der Architektur‹ 2008 Hugo Häring Auszeichnung guter Bauten 2008 BDA