The Earth House

  • Prize
    Winner in Architectural Design - Residential
  • Company/Firm
    Art & Architecture Associates
  • Lead Designer
    Dharmesh Patel
  • Design Team
    Archy Bhatt Bhadiyadra
  • Architect
    Art & Architecture Associates
  • Interior Designer
    Priya Goyal
  • Const. Company
    Shree Rajanand Associates
  • Photographer Credit
    Tejas Shah Photography
  • Location
    Halol, Vadodara, Gujarat
  • Client
    Pratikbhai Shah
  • Project Date
  • Project Link

This is a markedly linear eco-friendly home, awash with natural light. 3000 sq. ft. accommodate 3 bedrooms. The layout is divided in two blocks, one with living areas and the other with bedroom spaces. Between the two sit the leisure components of the pool and a gazebo.

Gabions have been used as screens to provide privacy, the large linear volume of the boxes and the earth colors of the rocks within complementing both landscape and built form. Far removed from their customary function as retaining walls, this reinterpretation of purpose has resulted in a dramatic presence in the design.

Charcoal & lime were added to the rammed earth, to provide variations in color in the emphasizing linearity of the walls. Since the proportions were not controlled, this has resulted in several earth tones. The perception that rammed earth walls suffer from poor workmanship, is challenged. These walls are built with materials excavated on-site; they are durable, affordable, and all-natural, exemplifying an inspiration from the past for better future.

Puf panel roof inclined for optimum solar gains, water harvesting, organic farming, waste recycling, work towards overall sustainability.

At Art Architecture, we work from idea to implementation, from over all solutions to details. The projects have varied over the years, including planning, interior and furniture design commissions, and exhibition space projects. Our combined competence and experience have provided us with knowledge in various fields and we feel that a wide range of projects is valuable and important for the development of our practice.
AAA reaches out to nine countries like, USA, UK, Australia, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Oman, UAE, Kenya, and Botswana providing various designing services from micro to macro level.

Other prizes
Nomination of Alpha Healing Centre, Godhra for world’s best health building at WAF (world Architecture Festival) Amsterdam.