The design inspired by the nature of paint, flexible, Liquid flowing, multi-usable, these features are being applied to form the best space planning.
Original floor plan of this store was a polygon, which being segmented perfectly by circles to two meeting areas, passage & storages with 65 sticks, all painted with different colour from Valpaint collection, working as partition and also the display at the same time; Interval between sticks enable enough lights but keep certain privacy to who using meeting area.
Curved passage provided a smooth walking flow like liquid flowing inside the bowl, both side of customer can view and select the colour they prefer; wall-less floor plan keeps maximum walking area that gives the best experience to both customer and staff working inside even it is a small store.
No extra element is being added into whole store except Valpaint itself in product and brand nature perspective, which merged with display and space planning, every piece in the design is practical.