Ah Ma Hand Made Shenzhen OCT Bay

  • Prize
    Winner in Interior Design - Hospitality: Bar and Restaurant
  • Company/Firm
    XDH Design 
  • Lead Designer
    Denver Hsu
  • Photographer Credit
  • Location
  • Project Date
    June 2022

Ah Ma Hand Made is located in the OCT Bay in the southern coastal zone of Shenzhen. In the commercial community full of traces of modernization, Ah Ma Hand Made is unique from the modern foundation, with a distinctive style and the power of architecture to create different charm for this new era land. Inspired by the slow sea breeze and delicately integrated with natural light, it tells the story of this space with powerful architectural texture full of time marks.

The quiet, peaceful and warm atmosphere of the new space is a far cry from the typical image of modern tea drinking Spaces. The design aims to redefine and reinvent the experience of the tea drinking space, with 'sensuality' as a central element, emphasising the positive impact of the environment created by materials and natural light.

By carefully selecting interesting furniture in different locations of the space, designers create a series of nodes for people to stay, rest and interact both indoors and outdoors, so that people can stop here and feel the staggered charm of the space here.