Kylie Revolving House

  • Prize
    Winner in Architectural Design - Others architectural projects
  • Company/Firm
    gronych + dollega architekten
  • Lead Designer
    Peter Gronych + Yvonne Dollega
  • Architect
    gronych + dollega architekten
  • Photographer Credit
    gronych + dollega architekten
  • Location
    Heuchelheim, Germany
  • Project Date

Located on the outskirts of the city near the countryside, the building was designed as a residential house. The special feature: Like a sunflower, the structure rotates with the course of the sun. In the winter, the heating requirement is minimized due to the solar gains, whereby, in the summer, turning into the shade protects the house from overheating.

Like in a film sequence, the residents experience the effect of the different scenarios on the interior. Seasons and the run of the day can be perceived emotionally, create intense spatial atmospheres and a high level of identity.

Heating is provided by a groundwater heat pump. Thermal comfort is achieved by using capillary tube mats in the floor and ceiling. A photovoltaic system on the roof generates electricity. In the overall balance, the house produces more energy than it consumes.

The building was constructed with sustainability in mind. Building materials were used according to their significance. The building was realized as a prefabricated modern timber frame construction due to the economic efficiency and ecological aspects, but also on account of its weight.

Peter Gronych + Yvonne Dollega are German architects headquartered in Wetzlar, Hessen, Germany.

The office's work is characterized by an experimental search for the specific constructional form. Lighting, space and the building body are examined based on the architectural concept and developed further using work models, resulting in a unique architecture form matching the location with a high spatial quality: The focus is on people with all their senses and emotions.

Other prizes
The projects of Peter Gronych and Yvonne Dollega have received multiple national and international prizes, among others: 2023 • GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2023 2022 • International Architecture Award 2022 • GREEN GOOD DESIGN Award 2022 • GREEN GOOD DESIGN Award 2022 • GREEN GOOD DESIGN Award 2022 • GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN 2020 • International Architecture Awards 2020 • Outstanding Property Award 2020 2019 • International Architecture Awards 2019 • The Architecture MasterPrize 2019 • GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019 2018 • International Architecture Awards 2018 • The Architecture MasterPrize 2018 • Johann Wilhelm-Lehr-Plakette 2018 2017 • GREEN GOOD DESIGN award 2017 • GREEN GOOD DESIGN award 2017 • Golden A‘Design Award 2017 • DAM Preis für Architektur 2017 – Nominiert 2016 • iF design award 2016 • German Design Award 2019 - special mention • Iconic awards 2016 2015 • Iconic awards 2015 • Iconic awards 2015