T Series Entrance Systems

  • Prize
    Winner in Construction Product Design - Others construction products
  • Design Company
    YKK AP America, Inc.
  • Lead Designer
    YKK AP America, Inc.
  • Project Date
    April 2023

Designed to provide a clean aesthetic with a narrow sightline, the T Series Entrance Systems offer unmatched design versatility and thermal performance.

Energy codes for commercial entrances continue to become more stringent, and energy efficiency and versatility are key factors in architects’ choices for commercial entrances. The T Series Entrance Systems now exceed U-factor requirements for even the highest-performing buildings and can meet even the most stringent energy codes.

The 25T(small)/35T(medium)/50T(wide) Entrance doors are thermally broken with a patented polyamide isobar technology for better thermal performance. The door corners are mechanically joined and welded to ensure that they are more than capable of withstanding today’s most demanding conditions. Custom entrances are available with options for glazing, mid rails, high bottom rails that will accommodate most custom hardware.

The features of these entrance systems meet the continually increasing code requirements for thermal performance while providing architects and designers with options that are sure to meet the desired aesthetic for each project.