The new building project Senior residence Riviera is located in an idyllic location at the historic Olympic regatta course in Berlin-Gruenau. It is framed by a well-kept garden area with a riverside path. While preserving the historic Riviera Ballroom and façade of the former Gruenau Gesellschaftshaus (Society house), a modern senior citizens' complex with over 200 barrier-free apartments was built on the property on the Dahme River and a street-side lot on Regattastrasse. TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten planned two new buildings on the water side and two more on the land side of the property. With their differentiated façades, the four buildings consciously continue the design and typological heterogeneity of the neighbourhood. van geisten.marfels architekten from Potsdam are responsible for the extensive refurbishment of the listed buildings.
In addition to the senior-friendly apartments, a wide range of services were created for the residents, such as a spacious reception with concierge, gastronomy, rooms for fitness and wellness including a swimming pool as well as communal rooms in the U-shaped building at the Riviera Hall.
Bio TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten design, plan and build for national and international clients in the public and private sectors.
With over 150 highly qualified, interdisciplinary employees and many years of experience, it offers architecturally and functionally sustainable solutions for a wide range of building projects in Germany and abroad.
TCHOBAN VOSS Architekten is member of the Association of German Architects (BDA), the Chambers of Architects in Hamburg, Berlin and Saxony, the Förderverein Bundesstiftung Baukultur e.V. as well as of the European Architects Network (EAN).