Red Hook is a diverse community situated in a remote part of Brooklyn, where the site is located. The area is predominantly inhabited by a lower-income community.
Design Intention: The school is designed to serve as a social nexus within the Red Hook community, aiming to connect, unify, and enhance both the neighborhood and the educational experience.
Design Strategies: Envisioning the site as a 200’x200’x50’ base cube, the design process involves cutting, slicing, and trimming this base structure. Subsequently, each section is shifted apart to create platforms with varying levels, forming two central atriums. These atriums facilitate spaces that allow users to step outside and engage with the outdoor environment and surrounding community.
Rock Layer Form: The rock layer formations result from the initial shifting and slicing processes, with some layers extending in one direction while others are cut or interrupted. These formations are not only reflected in the exterior facade but also influence the interior design, shaping walls, spaces, and the overall ambiance. The interplay of continuous and interrupted layers adds a dynamic and natural aesthetic to the entire structure.