Thankusir Neverland

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Architectural Design / Restoration and Renovation
  • Design Company
    Jingle Design
  • Lead Designer
    Zhou Bo
  • Design Team
    Cai Yuyang
  • Interior Designer
    Zhou Bo, Cai Yuyang
  • Photo Credit
    Xing Wen, Da Bai
  • Project Location
    Shenyang, Liaoning, China
  • Project Date

Thankusir Neverland, formerly an abandoned auto repair shop, was composed of a small building with a basement, an annexe, and several small outdoor spaces. Each space was divided by the wall into trivial and messy area with no connection. After several years of silence, the abandoned automobile repair plant has blossomed the unique charm of the old buildings after renovation of Jingle Design.
With distinctive personality and creative ideas in commercial design, the designers continue to explore the infinite possibilities of commercial space and interactive experience. After a series of repairs, connections, excavations, overturns, and reconstructions, Thankusir·restaurant, hidden in a quiet corner of the downtown area, was unveiled to the public in a shape of square box. Lies in the courtyard, the elegant gray walls of concrete are mottled but undecayed. The restaurant quietly creates an emotional bond with the space via food.
Designers paid more attention to natural properties in selecting materials, which can deliver stories with the space. Various materials produce silent power and harmonious poetic, demonstrating beauty that can not be carved by hand in a short period of time.