Weekly Florist

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design / Commercial
  • Design Company
    Tsikan Interior Design
  • Lead Designer
    Chuan-Wei Lin
  • Photo Credit
    YHLAA Studio

Weekly Florist is a floral workshop. In the renovation plan, the concept originates from combining the forms of canvases and sculptures. With each area enriched with textured surfaces much like a canvas, the blend between art and life blurs into one. The interior utilizes properties of minimalism and classicism to portray the back and foreground within the premise. Through meticulous ingenuity, lighting, textures, and materials used dramatically transform the interior into a work of art. The atmosphere embraces visitors on every edge and curves with a slow-paced, Zen-like flower gallery.

The interior is divided into three areas: front, middle, and back. To join each section together, a subtle method of curved surfaces assists in minimizing segregation. Through elegant spatial malleability, the interior merges itself into a consistent yet distinct area while maintaining the classical elements and beauty of a sculpture. To accommodate the colorful floral work expected to occupy the space, the designer reduces color noise by minimizing unnecessary color pallets, allowing the essence to overcome the blankness.