Black Ocean

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Interior Design / Hospitality: Bar and Restaurant
  • Design Company
    XD Design Studio
  • Lead Designer
    Tao Yang
  • Design Team
    Jiang Jiang
  • Project Location
    Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Project Date

Though made from earth, earthenware is not earth in essence, but the “empty” space generated inside. Another traffic space is created with a structure made of thin black steel plates, to provide an independent administrative circulation. The holes opened in steel plates add a rhythmic feel. Between the administrative passage and the regular rectangular dining hall, two nearly circular zones are arranged, of which surfaces are both grey terrazzo and external corners of arc walls appear slender at irregular angles, forming a contrast with the thick and heavy feel of stone.

Other prizes
LICC 2021 Official Selection 2022 THE 17TH GOLDEN BUND AWARD