Manifold – Architecture beyond Stereotypes

  • Prize
    Honorable Mention in Architectural Design / Speculative and Visionary
  • University
    University of Innsbruck
  • Lead Designer
    Moritz Riedl

Culture and identity are two currently widely discussed terms. They are both being used to make politics, especially in Tyrol, the Austrian Alpine region.
But what is Tyrolean identity really about? Is it the Lederhosen and Dirndl, the Yodelling and Slap Dancing, the wooden farm houses with cosy parlours, idyllically located on the grassy mountain slopes, or is all of that just fabricated imagery, pretending to be? Isn’t our identity closer to Madonna or Kim Kardashian?
According to Edouard Glissant, a Francophone writer, all those assumptions are true, since our globalised world is in a state of steady creolisation. Clashes, rejections and attractions between different cultures result in the unpredictable.
So, isn’t this understanding of identity the true reality we live in – also in the region of Tyrol?
Is this rhizomatic concept of identity therefore useful to develop an architectural methodology resulting in a hybrid aesthetics, questioning the conservative understanding of identity in the region of Tyrol? Can this aesthetic, explored through an architecture in the city of Innsbruck, disrupt the local and regional understanding of identity and offer a space for all identities?