Des Laubscher

Greenside Design Center, College of Design / Co-Founder and CEO

Professor Des Laubscher is the only person in the world to have served on four international design bodies, President and Fellow of the International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI); Board Member of Design for the World, Barcelona, Spain; Vice President of the International Council of Design, (ICoD) and President and Fellow of the Pan Afrikan Design Institute (PADI). Prof Des Laubscher is also the founder and Past President of the African Institute for the Interior Design Professions (IID).

Des was also instrumental in organising the Cumulus Conference that took place in Johannesburg in 2014. Entitled “Design with the Other 90%”, he chaired the organisation committee. This conference was a huge success with 105 international delegates and 85 local delegates, a record number of international delegates attending a design conference in South Africa.

He has presented papers, served on panels and conducted design workshops in 19 countries worldwide. He has also been a juror for many design competitions globally.
Currently, Des Laubscher is the CEO of Greenside Design Center, a world-renowned design education institution in Johannesburg, South Africa; which he co-founded with Ingrid Leujes in 1987.

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Past Jury