Sam Tehranchi

Design core Architects and Urban Designers / CEO and Principal architect

Sam Tehranchi, Born in 1970, started his professional work in 2000, by Founding Design Core Architects and Urban Designers in Tehran, Iran. He graduated from Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, with the Degree of Master in Architecture.

From the very beginning of his professional life, his main challenge has been to act as an influencer in the Architecture profession, affecting the spatial qualities of the living environment in all fields of design from large-scale multi-use projects to small ones. Creating high-quality Architecture, based on the uniqueness and originality of his ideas, is the main goal of his Architecture Practice. He believes Architecture and Urban Design have a single identity in all design aspects.

In more than 20 years of his professional life, he has worked individually or in collaboration with many well-known international Architects, on many outstanding projects in different scales and has made excellent innovative architecture, many of which have received Awards in Architecture.

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